If You Have Political Advertising Questions……We Have Answers!

David Oxenford
David Oxenford, Wilkinson Barker and Knauer, LLP is the MAB Washington Attorney and answers your Legal Hotline Questions.
David and Bobby Baker, Gary Schonman and Sima Nilsson of the FCC Office of Political Programming held a terrific Political Advertising Webinar for MAB members on November 18. MAB Members may access it in the members only section of the MAB Website. It’s really worth watching and could save you from getting a fine.
In a hurry? Need a broadcasting legal question answered on the spot? Call our MAB Legal Helpline and ask your specific questions of David Oxenford directly. David is quick to get back to you and the service is free to MAB Members. Even if you have a corporate attorney, you can call David first then you’ll sound really smart when you talk to the corporate attorney.
The MAB Washington Legal Hotline is a member service available to all MAB Full Members in good standing. Call the MAB Office to get your password to the Members only section where you will find David’s contact information or call the MAB Office to get connected with David.