WBET Raises Nearly $144k for United Way

St. Joseph County United Way Director Kelly Hostetler middle, stands with WBET News Director and Morning Show Host Mike Stiles left, along with Swick Broadcasting Co. / WBET Sr. Account Rep. Tom Duke.
Swick Broadcasting Company’s WBET-FM (Sturgis) recently wrapped up their 2022 and 13th annual St. Joseph County United Way Radiothon. This year’s Radiothon raised a record total of $143,887! The total surpassed last year’s mark by over $12,000. Each year, WBET turns over its studio to the United Way for 18-hours, from 6 a.m. until midnight. The Radiothon is highlighted by local celebrity D.J.s, online auctions, on-air giveaways, agency interviews, great food and a general sense of community fun.
This is United Way’s biggest fundraiser of the year. According to U.W. Director Kelly Hostetler, “This one-day event brings in more dollars in 18-hours than many other Michigan United Ways raise in one year!” The 13-year total of money raised now stands at $813,490.18! Plans are already underway for the 2023 Radiothon.
In a press release, the station says “The power of small market, local radio is alive and well!”