Next Best Thing Technology Tour Coming to Michigan in August

Next Best Thing Tour in Green Bay, WI on July 19.
The tour brings the best and new innovative technologies in broadcasting and will feature products from over 25 companies and will showcase the new NBT Mobile Studio. Sponsors include ENCO, Wire CAD, American Amplifier Technologies, Winsted, Forecast and Link Electronics. Products on display will be from various broadcast audio and RF suppliers. A complete list of exhibitors is available here.
The Grand Rapids visit on 8/17 will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., location to-be-announced.
The Lansing visit on 8/18 will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the MI Association of Broadcasters, 222 N. Chestnut Street.
The Detroit visit on 8/19 will be at various locations upon request.
This free event does require registration, which can be done online here.