Congrats to MAB’s Claire Corr
February 10, 2023

(L-R): MAB's Rachel Krause, Claire Corr and Ann Walters.
On Wednesday, February 8, Claire Corr, Events and Member Relations Manager, shared her story of reinvention with the National Association of Career Women Lansing Chapter. The NACW is a nonprofit organization of professional women dedicated to creating a welcoming, supportive, engaging, and empowering environment for women to develop both personally and professionally.
Claire shared how personal experiences in her life led her to feel less than worthy. After her last two positions in healthcare ended with job eliminations, toppled with a global pandemic, she had to make a tough decision on whether to stay in a field she knew very well or to go through another “reinvention” and explore an entirely new career path. By healing old traumas and by reinventing herself once again, she was able to focus her energy on finding the right fit professionally. She discovered an opportunity with the Michigan Association of Broadcasters but still had residual feelings of not being good enough or smart enough to learn a new industry. However, the MAB saw something in her that she didn’t see in herself; that her experience and expertise was desirable and that she was worthy. She has been on staff now for just over a year and knows she has found a home with a wonderful and supportive team.