Michigan Radio Brings The Moth to Grand Rapids
June 9, 2023
A mainstage show from The Moth includes two acts with up to five storytellers and a notable host. The host of the show will be Angelica Lindsey-Ali. Lindsey-Ali, a native of Detroit, is a cultural activist, dancer and writer. According to The Moth, she recently returned from a five-year stint in the Middle East where she taught urban homesteading and African dance to teenagers. She is also the host of an annual monthly Moth event in Phoenix.
Five storytellers have been announced for the Grand Rapids show. These include Kelli Dunham, Gabriela Fernandez, Hanif Abdurraqib, Latricia Trice and Esmond Fountain. Storytellers at The Moth tell personal nonfiction stories without notes.
Tickets for The Moth Mainstage event are available online and start at $39.50 per ticket.