The Fall Book Is On: Now What?
September 29, 2023

Gary Berkowitz
By: Gary Berkowitz
Berkowitz Broadcast Consulting
The fall book has started but before we get too deep into it, here are a few basic and easy to implement tactics that will help you get a better result.
Air Talent: Personality? Yes. Excessive talk? No. Listeners do not know that our jocks are often reading liners. Work with them to deliver the message in a warm, friendly, natural sounding manner. The best talent can take liners and make them sound like they are full of personality. The best sounding stations are benefit driven, but do not sound like liner card radio.
Music Flow: Keep the music tempo flow even. Spend the time to make sure that every segue flows. Familiarity continues to be a key element. New music continues to be a limited pool to choose from. Only play the proven current hits as you start the book. Keep the music up but don't overly push tempo.
Jock liners & production: Have you freshened these lately? Old copy allows jocks to fall into a comfort zone. Have you freshened your music promos, hook promos and station promos in general? Quick and to the point is always best.
Usage: The more research I see, the more it becomes very clear that AC radio stations are used for relaxing, unwinding and feel good. Many programmers have fought this over the years trying to replace it with up, hot, hip. Presenting your station, the way listeners use it is important. Recommendation: Do not fight the easy/relax part. It is how they use it. Include it in your verbiage and let your listener know that they have found the radio station that helps them relax and feel good.
Basics 101: Some say this is old-school. I say if you’re in a diary market, its necessary. Slowly and deliberately selling calls (name and frequency) and position. Calls always first & last. Making sure your music position is clear, simple, and most important, unique. Brand your name to everything you do. From weather, traffic and other items, always make sure they have your name “embossed” on them. In diary, over 80% of diary keepers record listening by exact frequency.
Local: You hear a lot about local these days, and yes, is it is important. Letting your listeners know what is going on in their world still matters. Great localization ideas include:
- Use local points of interest in traffic reports (“The accident is right across from the McDonald's at 3rd and Main).
- Do a "Here’s what’s going on in town today” segment on the morning show (much more useful than some of the bits that are out there).
- Write liners and allow jocks to talk about people and the places they are listening. Local names, people and places still work.
Morning Show Idea: Take an idea from ABC News. Do a weekly “Person of the Week” on Friday mornings. Salute a local person for a contribution they have made to the local community. Ask listeners for nominations.
Gary Berkowitz specializes in ratings improvement for AC and Classic Hits radio stations in all size markets. Need help with your radio station? Let's talk. Call me today. Always confidential and no obligation. (248) 737-3727 or
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