WLNS Wraps Up 2024 Operation Backpack
August 16, 2024

WLNS Anchor/Managing Editor Jorma Duran with Catholic Charities of Ingham, Eaton & Clinton Counties' CEO Joe Garcia.
Nexstar Media's WLNS-TV (Lansing) has wrapped up their 2024 Operation Backpack campaign. The station partnered with Catholic Charities of Ingham, Eaton and Clinton Counties and Catholic Charities of Jackson, Lenawee, and Hillsdale Counties to collect school supplies for local children, including foster children, adopted children, refugees, and others who may need assistance.
Supplies were collected from July 15 through August 8. The station had a drop-off locations throughout the Lansing region, but also offered options to donate online or via an Amazon wish list. WLNS also made a cash donation of $500 toward this year's effort.