WSAQ Roof Sit 2024 Nets $167k for Child Abuse/Neglect Council
September 20, 2024

WSAQ's Matt Markham and his rooftop broadcast and campsite!

(L-R) WSAQ's morning personality Matt Markham with station program director Chuck Santoni
Last week, Liggett Communication's WSAQ-FM (Port Huron) held its 30th Annual Roof Sit from the top of the MiMutual Mortgage building in downtown Port Huron. WSAQ morning personality Matt Markham once again spent a week looking over the city to raise funds for the St. Clair County Child Abuse/Neglect Council. This year's effort raised over $167,000 exceeding last year's fundraising total.
Each day last week, Markham broadcast live from the rooftop from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. During the broadcast hours, he hosted live conversations with community members about the importance of the Child Abuse and Neglect Council’s work and to solicit donations from the public.
The station, with help from listeners and other community organizations, helped raise the funds to support the work of the CAN Council. In an interview this week, CAN Council Executive Director Sheri Archibald said the organization’s first priority is prevention and education. The CAN Council also provides singular forensic interviewing and mental health services to victims of child sexual abuse.