Michigan Association of Broadcasters Launches
Comprehensive Industry Recruitment Campaign
More at BeThereMichigan.com
WHLS’ Rockin’ the Rescue to Return for Second Year
Liggett Communication’s WHLS (Port Huron)(Rock 105.5) has announced that it will partner for the second straight year with the Blue Water Area Humane Society and several local businesses for Rockin’ the Rescue, a day-long fundraising and awareness event to take place at the International Flag Plaza Plaza in Port Huron.
Read MoreFM Translator Filing Freeze to go into Effect on September 1, 2023, Announced as Part of Rules for Applications in November LPFM Filing Window
This past Monday (7/31), the FCC’s Media Bureau announced the rules for the filing window for new LPFM stations that is to open on November 1, 2023.
Read MoreSummer Programming/Digital Tune-up: Basics
The most important click on your website (and app): LISTEN LIVE. You’d be shocked at how hard that is to find on many radio sites. Same goes for your app.
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MAB Member Benefit Spotlight

Mark Your Calendar
The MAB hosts events for all Michigan broadcasters throughout the year both in-person and online. Along with the continuing education opportunities, the MAB connects broadcasters with chances to network and celebrate during awards ceremonies. Keep track of the MAB opportunities on the events calendar.