Michigan Association of Broadcasters Launches
Comprehensive Industry Recruitment Campaign
More at BeThereMichigan.com
WDIV’s Larry Spruill Honored among Michigan Chronicle’s ’40 Under Forty’
On April 1, the Michigan Chronicle honored 40 professionals who inspired others through vision and leadership, exceptional achievements and community service participation. WDIV-TV (Detroit) reporter Larry Spruill, was one of those recognized during the virtual…
Read MoreWKHM’s Scott Clow Wears Dress to Raise Money for Charity
In an effort to promote Covid-19 vaccination on the first day it becomes eligible to anyone 18 and over, while also raising money for a good cause, WKHM-FM’s (Jackson) Scott Clow of the K-105.3 Morning…
Read MoreMABF Student Advisory Committee Member Leonard Poole Accepts New Position at WILX
Adrian College student, and MAB Foundation Student Advisory Committee Member, Leonard Poole (@leodogjournalism), has accepted a new position as News Producer at MAB member station WILX-TV (Lansing). “One of the things that helped me get…
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MAB Member Benefit Spotlight

Mark Your Calendar
The MAB hosts events for all Michigan broadcasters throughout the year both in-person and online. Along with the continuing education opportunities, the MAB connects broadcasters with chances to network and celebrate during awards ceremonies. Keep track of the MAB opportunities on the events calendar.