Michigan Association of Broadcasters Launches
Comprehensive Industry Recruitment Campaign
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FCC Targeting Property Owners in Pirate Radio Enforcement
The Federal Communications Commission’s Enforcement Bureau has begun targeting property owners and managers that tolerate pirate broadcasting on their properties. The commission has issued an announcement that it is exercising its new authority under the…
Read MoreMichigan Learning Channel to Launch January 4, 2021
As reported in October and following months of planning, Michigan’s public television stations, in partnership with leading educators and community leaders, are launching the Michigan Learning Channel (MLC) beginning Monday, January 4. It will be…
Read MoreAlpha Media Saginaw Raises $50K With Sharing Hope Radiothon
Alpha Media stations in Saginaw, lead by WSGW-AM/FM, held their 5th Annual Sharing Hope Radiothon on December 16, raising $50,100 in the 12 hour broadcast, exceeding the original goal of $40,000 and surpassing last year’s…
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MAB Member Benefit Spotlight

Mark Your Calendar
The MAB hosts events for all Michigan broadcasters throughout the year both in-person and online. Along with the continuing education opportunities, the MAB connects broadcasters with chances to network and celebrate during awards ceremonies. Keep track of the MAB opportunities on the events calendar.