Community Partners

Brianna Hemphill. Account Management
423 N. Main Street, Suite 300
Royal Oak, MI 48067
D: 248-593-7412
The Blood Cancer Foundation of Michigan, formerly the Children’s Leukemia Foundation of Michigan, is a 70-year-old 501c3 organization that supports all Michigan residents battling a blood cancer diagnosis. Their mission is to ensure the emotional, social, and financial stability of Michigan patients and families as they navigate their blood cancer journey. Nearly 200 diseases are eligible for support, including but not limited to, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma, Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and Aplastic Anemia. They provide patients and their families with disease education and resources, financial support, emotional support, and social support. Some of their programs include travel and prescription reimbursement, emergency needs grants, family outings, donating toys during the holiday season, regular support check-ins, and support groups. All of the services are provided by Master’s-level patient support specialists, each dedicated to a specific region within the state of Michigan.
Currently, the organization supports over 2,700 patients across the state, with representation from 80 counties. Every year alone, approximately 5,900 people are diagnosed with blood cancer in Michigan, one every 90 minutes. Post-COVID, there has been a significant increase in new patient enrollments, as many people were not going to their regular health screenings. With these PSAs, we hope to inform Michigan residents that they are not alone in their cancer journey and that support is readily available to them. More information about the organization is available at
PSAs - both :15 and :30 spots available: