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Third Thursday Webinars

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Mark your calendars to spend “Third Thursdays with the MAB” each month and keep an eye out for special extra webinars to be posted. Webinars are free to MAB members, and all are archived for later viewing.  Questions? Contact Dan Kelley at 1-800-YOUR-MAB.

All webinars begin at 1:00 pm EST.

Fair Use Fundamentals: Best Practices and Pitfalls for Journalists | Charlie Kadado & Brian Wassom, Warner Norcross & Judd

Delve into the core principles of the fair use doctrine and when it applies. Learn strategies for using multimedia content sourced from the internet and social media within the bounds of fair use. Gain practical insights to safeguard your newsroom against potential copyright challenges.

Environmental Reporting | Bob Lindmeier, WKOW-TV (Madison, WI)
FCC, Government, & Regulatory Update | David Oxenford, Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP & Shawn Donilon, National Association of Broadcasters
Disruptive Innovation in the Broadcast Business | Henry Hays, Disrupt Ready

Explore the cutting-edge innovations reshaping the broadcast industry. Delve into case studies of businesses that have successfully navigated the digital transformation, integrating new technologies like streaming and on-demand content driven by AI and ML. Learn about the emerging trends that are disrupting traditional broadcasting models and how to leverage these changes for competitive advantage, as well as how to spot disruption coming.

Winning the Tug of War With Time | Ryan Dorhn, Brian Swell Media

Ryan Dohrn has trained over 30,000 media sales professionals and this is one of his most popular workshops! From creating call zones to time-saving email templates to making better use of your CRM tools - learn expert and well-tested tips to reclaim eight hours every week and win more business faster. Ryan will share his top 10 time management tools that will help you boost your personal productivity by 35% in just one week!!

September 18, 2025
Impactful Storytelling | Jackson Kerchis, Happiness Means Business

Positive psychology principles such as gratitude, optimism, and mindfulness can enhance the storytelling techniques used in journalism. Journalists can incorporate these elements to craft stories that resonate emotionally and inspire action while maintaining factual accuracy.

October 16, 2025
Closing the Gap Between Upper Management & Gen Z | Derron Steenbergen, Swagger Institute
November 20, 2025
Small Market Success Stories | Paul Jacobs, Jacobs Media

A review of small market radio and television stations who are innovating and developing new strategies for growth.

Webinar Archive (member password-required):

Third Thursday Webinar Partners

arkansas broadcasters association
Virginia Association of Broadcasters
Kansas Association of Broadcasters logo
New Jersey
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